Saturday, July 29, 2006

Day 7: Kanchanaburi

Sat, 17 June, 11.37 am
Day 7

Sitting at the back verandah of my raft room - its ridiculously beautiful. The Kwae is flowing all around me and there is a soft sound of small waves 'pluf' - almost the same sound as when a pebble hits water. Breezy today so the raft is moving with the waves..

Woke up in the morning to a curiously 'wavy' room, a desperate grab at the sides of the bed and 'what the!?!', was the first thought of the morning. 'Uh I hope the raft is properly moored or whatever they call tying it down, and that the management knows the weather is choppy, after all it would be decidedly embarrassing to shout at the management with my raft flowing down the river 'uh, excuse me, but I think my room is unmoored and is flowing down the river, uh, can you please help!' , while they look surprised at the Indian girl trying to jump down from the raft, such scenes floated fleetingly in my head (mmm..floated fleetingly - I like the sound of that). Telling myself to be practical I woke and was up on another bright day in Thailand.

I can hear the crickets from across the river, from the thick shrubs on the opposite bank. Now and then a noisy motorboat passes by at high speed, ferrying tourists, and there are faraway sounds of (Thai) music blaring from speakers somewhere, or maybe its one of those karaoke boats.

F must have checked out today. We said goodbye last night. I was to leave for a different town today, either Ayutthaya or Phitsanulok, instead have decided to stay on for one more night and just enjoy the serenity from my raft. Just taking it easy. Met F the day before. Haven't met many single travellers during this trip. We spent yesterday walking around the town and we got along well. It was nice to have someone to talk to after travelling alone for a while.

(to be contd.)

1 comment:

mitasho said...

i must admit to being a tad jealous ... oh for some self time in a beautiful place...